Thursday 10 December 2009

Is Protein Good For Building Muscle Or a Myth?

If you have ever picked up a bodybuilding or fitness magazine you will see advertisements for all kinds of protein supplements. Now most people would take that as fact that it must help you to build muscle. Still there are people who wonder is protein good for building muscle or a myth. We will answer that so you will know that it is the most important supplement you can ever purchase.

When you workout you are creating tiny microscopic tears in the muscle fiber. When that happens it is obvious that they need to be repaired. There is one nutrient that helps to facilitate that repair and it is protein. It acts like a handyman that fixes something wrong at your home. It goes inside the muscle fibers and helps it come back stronger than ever. So if you are ever asked is protein good for building muscle or a myth you can say whole heartedly that it is true.

Now that you know that protein is good for building muscle and it is not a myth you must choose one that is right for you. First you must make sure that it has at least 24 grams of protein per serving. Once you have that criteria met you can start to look for a flavor you will like. Some companies like Optimum Nutrition and Designer Whey have an abundance of flavors ranging from vanilla, chocolate, coffee, mint chip, and everything in between. You should choose based of your personal taste preferences and also what you want to mix in the shakes. I hope that this article helped answer the question is protein good for building muscle or a myth. You should know now that it is not a myth, but actually the best supplement for helping repair and build your muscles.

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